A downloadable soundtrack

OST Composing Jam #7 submission, also viewable on: 



Based on the theme "Inside my World", I thought of a theme relating to a dream world everyone in society is trapped in.  The story premise involves a group of interns working for the government, who discovers the whole world around them is actually a dream under the control of a dictator. This dream world is powered by a large tower called the Dreamspire, which has its citizens blindly trapped in a dreamlike paradise while they fight like soldiers in an army in the real world. The 6-piece soundtrack represents various aspects of this world, from the dream world, to the dungeon crawling within the Dreamspire tower.

Themes: Fake realities, Dreams, Control

Runtime: 10:20

DAW and VSTs: Reaper, Super Audio Cart, Roland SC-88 Soundfont, Kontakt Factory Library(Mark Tree instrument in 'Mystical Power' track)

Soundtrack Info:

Tower of Illusion - The title screen music. Begins with a mysterious intro that eases into a relaxing, flowing melody.  The "Tower of Illusion" is the Dreamspire, through which the dictator controls the thoughts of his civilians through an idealized reality.

Living in Paradise- The hub world music, including a mall, campus, and government buildings. This piece represents the idealized reality the citizens are currently trapped in, with a faint leitmotif from the title in the middle. Here, the protagonists know they are in a fake reality, and accept that hardships will come should they decide to fight against it.

Journey Towards Reality - The music within the Dreamspire dungeon. Represents a long, perilous journey that requires hope and strength to overcome.

Mystical Power - A cutscene music. An extension of the mystical intro found in the Title music.  Evokes a mystical/ melancholic mood representing the power the Dreamspire has over society.

Conspiracy: Antagonist/Antagonist lair music. The artificial nature of the dream world is at full force within the government facility. The protagonists sneak in to try and uncover the dictator's secrets to hopefully bring him down.

Encounter: Battle music. The protagonists will surely encounter lots of enemies throughout their journey up the Dreamspire tower. Includes a leitmotif found at the end of the hub world music, but with a more dramatic tone. This signals the possibility of having to face citizens in the real world who are unconscious, frenzied and in control by the dictator.


jurquia-OST4 Mystical Power.wav 26 MB
jurquia-OST5 Conspiracy.wav 20 MB
jurquia-OST6 Encounter.wav 20 MB
jurquia-OST1 Tower of Illusion.wav 28 MB
jurquia-OST2 Living in Paradise.wav 26 MB
jurquia-OST3 Journey Towards Reality.wav 32 MB
jurquia-Dreamspire Full Soundtrack.rar 115 MB

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